Eco Ease

Here are some common questions we receive

What are the Essentials Items I Need for Cloth Diapering?
Indian pre-fold diapers, covers, a hamper pail and liner, and wipes. It’s that simple. Flushable liners are optional.
Why Should I Use Cloth Wipes?
These can be rented and laundered with our service for a very affordable price, which is nice because then there is no need to separate wipes out of the cloth diaper before you throw it in the pail. Plus you avoid placing chemicals on your baby’s skin while cleaning and changing them.
How Often do Cloth Diapers Need to be Changed?
Diapers need to be changed when they are soiled. No matter what type of diaper you use a baby should be changed shortly after they are soiled to ensure a happy and healthy baby!
How Do I Store the Soiled Diapers?
In a diaper pail with a lid. We will deliver your diapers in a cloth bag that can be used to line your diaper pail and return your soiled diapers. Once delivery day arrives, pull out your pail liner and place this full bag on your porch or place the entire pail out and we will remove the bag.
What Do I Do With the Solids (POOP) in the Diaper?
Simply shake what you can off into the toilet and place the soiled diaper into the hamper. Get as much off as you can and let it be. Using the flushable liners helps with this as it makes it easier to remove the solid poop.
Where Do I Place the Deodorant Disc?
The deodorant disc should be placed in the designated slot underneath the lid of the diaper pail available through Pannolino.
How Many Diapers Will I Get Weekly?

The first 2 weeks you will receive a full order of diapers, Covers (if applicable) and wipes (if applicable). The number will be determined by the babies age and diaper Size. After your first two weeks, you will receive back only the amount of diapers, wipes & covers you sent back to us dirty the week before.

  • Newborn diapers (white trim) – 80 diapers/week
  • XSmall diapers (yellow trim, blue or orange) – 80 diapers/week
  • Small diapers (green or natural trim) – 65 diapers/week
  • Medium diapers (white trim) – 50 diapers/week
  • Large diapers (blue or red trim) – 40 diapers/week
  • Toddler diapers (dark green trim) – 30 diapers/week

You can request to add an additional 10 diapers/week for no extra charge in any size. Also we may automatically decrease you delivery quantity if you consistently have at least 20 clean diapers extra each week.

Our weekly flat rate pricing reflects the service of dropping off and picking up diapers weekly rather than the amount of diapers used and laundered. This helps keep our prices down as we don’t have to handle billing adjustments weekly.

If You are Not Sure What You Need...
Order a personalized consultation from us. We have free consultations if you come to us. We offer in home consultations and private diapering classes for you and your friends and family for a fee. We understand that there is a lot to learn about cloth diapers! If, however, you are likely to sign-up for the service, but just don’t know what to order, then give us a call and we can answer all the questions you have and figure out the best solution for you and/or schedule your Consultation. We will bring any and all products we carry to this appointment so you will still be able to see your options and you can change your order at any time – even at this appointment. So you really can’t lose with giving us a call, ironing out your order, setting up your Consultation/1st Delivery and having an opportunity to see what we carry at that time! We are confident you will love these cloth diapers and covers!
I Already Have GDiaper Covers - Will these Work with Your Service?
This is a common question and the answer is YES! The prefolds used for our diaper service and sold at out store definitely fit the GDiaper covers. If the prefold diaper is too ling for your cover. then a Cuff Fold is a great way to get the right fit. We are in the process of adding a video clip to our site to show the Cuff Fold and other folds. Until then give us a call 657-210-1021 to explain.
How and when do I move to the next size up?
Please send us an email or give us a call NO LATER THAN the FRIDAY before that weeks delivery that you would like the next size. All orders and changes received after the proceeding Friday will not go into effect until the following week.

If the covers are fitting too tightly around your babies legs or waist then it’s time to size up.

If the prefolds are completely saturated, and possibly leaking (but you know the cover is fitting correctly) then it’s time to size up on the prefold – you need more absorbancy.

What is the Washing Process for Your Service?

We follow strict procedures to ensure the diapers are clean and sanitized. Diapers are triple rinsed/flushed, thoroughly washed in 160 degree F water temperature, double rinsed and then dried. In addition, we do add a disinfectant during the washing cycle. Between the high water temperatures and disinfectants used, you can be ensured that our diapers are 100% sanitized and safe to use on your baby. Lastly, the detergents and disinfectants we use are free of dyes, perfumes, enzymes, phosphates, softners and optical brightners.

According to the CDC Guidelines for Laundry in Healthcare Facilities: “Hot water provides an effective means of destroying microorganisms, and a temperature of at least 71 C (160 F) for a minimum of 25 minutes is commonly recommended for hot-water washing.”

“According to the Wilderness Medical Society, water temperatures above 160 F (70 C) kill all pathogens within 30 minutes and above 185 F (85 C) within a few minutes. So in the time it takes for the water to reach the boiling point (212 F or 100 C) from 160 F (70 C), all pathogens will be killed, even at high altitude.”

Tips to Remember:
  • On pickup day, set out soiled diapers and wipes by 7am (or night before)
  • If renting covers, fold down the Velcro tabs for laundering . If using cover laundering service, then place soiled covers in cover bag provided. Please do not place in the same bag as the diapers. They must be kept separate.
  • If renting covers that we are not laundering, keep these to launder on own as needed (unless you are returning them for a size upgrade – then throw them in the SOILED liner in a separate bag)
  • Separate disposable wipes from your diaper pail bag containing the cloth diapers
  • Look for your Deodorizing Disk in your bag the first delivery of every month
  • Review the ‘How to Fold’ video clip
    When changing service, contact us no later than the preceding Friday.
    Thinking about purchasing covers? Our customers will receive 15% off their first purchase of covers with us.
  • Don’t forget we also offer FLIP disposable inserts (comparable to GDiaper disposable inserts)
    Please contact us (657-210-1021) if you have ANY questions or concerns AT ALL! We are here to help you.